The Deako app connects to and syncs with the app, which, in turn, syncs with your security panel if one is installed.
Complete setup in the Deako app
Before you can control your Deako switches in the app or on the security panel in your home, the switches need to be connected to the Deako app and connected to WiFi.
Open and log into the app
Open the app on your phone and login to your account.
Select ‘More’ at the bottom right
Select ‘Add Device’
Select Lighting and Appliance Control
Select Deako Smart Device
Select Next
If a prompt asks, select Continue
Select Login/Sign Up
You are going to log into your Deako account through
When you follow these steps to log into Deako through, it connects the two apps.
Sign into the Deako app
- Sign in with Apple is not a supported integration path. If you only use Apple login for the Deako app, invite another non-Apple user to your Deako profile, and use those login credentials to integrate the two platforms. EG if you use 123@appleid, add a second user to your home 123@gmail, and use the 123@gmail credentials to tie and Deako together.
Select the Deako home profile you want to tie to
- This is what it would look like if you had 3 homes that all have Deako Smart Lighting. Select the home that you want to connect to
- Only 1 home can be connected per email address. When setting up 2 or more homes, use a different email address for each one. EG 10414@gmail and 49408@gmail. If you use the same email address for both homes, only the one that was added last will be integrated with
The connection will take a moment before finishing
- If you have a security panel in your home with your account connected, the Deako switches will automatically show up on your panel in less than an hour.
That’s it!
Reach out to with any questions or issues.