If you’ve chosen not to give the Deako app camera permissions, you’ll be asked to enter the serial number on your device to continue with adding it to the app. This article will show you exactly where to find that number on each device.
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First, Take the switch out of the box or out of the wall
Next, Turn the switch around so you are looking at the label on the back
Then, Find the 16-digit serial, it will have a mix of numbers and letter(s). Below are examples of where this can be found on each type of switch
⚠️ If you need help locating the serial number you can check here for your particular switch and where to look
If you are using a Simple Dimmer, your device might not have a serial number, you can instead enter the 6-digit number on the label located below the Model number.
Smart Plug
First, Take the plug out of the box or unplug it from the outlet
Next, Turn the device around
Then, The serial can be found beneath the QR code on the left of the prongs